FERMENTED FRUITS IS MOVING - http://www.vinodafrutta.com

Fermented Fruits is moving to our own little patch of real estate within the HTBWMedia.com / BaronVonInternet.com community of Information and Community based websites and blogs. Our brand spanking new URL is http://www.vinodafrutta.com The site is still under construction but the receipe's are in the background waiting to be published with a brand new recipe for YEAST FREE Strawberry Mead. Yup, tried and tested without adding ANY Yeast. So this means the Strawberry Mead will taste as it should, pure and natural. The fermenting process is taking a little longer, however the NATURAL yeasts from the Strawberries is currently vigorously reproducing so we should see some nice results WITH PICTURES, shortly. Oh ya, the new site also has the ability for approved members to post their own blogs, recipe books, articles and participate in the community Wine / Mead making Forum. So if you enjoy the art of fermenting fruits, join the community at http://www.vinodafrutta.com I'd love to chat. Drop me a note there if you have any questions. Cheers Heinz
Free Wine & Mead Making Tips, Tricks and Community

Club Dubya - My new Online Community

Check out Club Dubya. My newest experiment in "Social Networking" Call me Naive, but I would like to create a non-corporate online community with an emphasis on the word "Community" Maybe I'll even stick in a Wine making section if there is enough interest. It is still being worked on, but feel free to drop in and say Hi. There is already a few members and we are growing.


Pass it on Eh!

Club Dubya - Don't Harsh My Mellow Eh!


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Monday, January 7, 2008

Watermelon Wine Made Easy

Of course, I wouldn't use the Campden, but other than that is sounds intersting.

Grapes are not the only fruit that can be used to make wine. Although they are the most common, the truth is that other fruits can be used to make wine as well. In fact, it is very easy to make wine with watermelon or other fruits, such as blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. Not only is watermelon wine easy to make, but it also provides a nice contrast to the standard grape option. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Easy As One Two Three

Making watermelon wine is extremely easy in fact, it is one of the easiest wines to make. To begin, make sure that you have all of the winemaking equipment necessary to the winemaking process. Next, gather the ingredients you will need specifically for making watermelon wine. These ingredients are: 1/2 gallon Watermelon Juice, 1 Campden tablet, Water, 1/2 pound sugar, 1/8 tsp Tannin, 1 tsp nutrient, 2 1/2 tsp Acid Blend, and wine yeast.

Begin by cutting the watermelon into quarters and removing the rind as well as all the seeds. Then cut the watermelon into slices. Using a strainer bag, squeeze the juice from the watermelon into a primary fermentor. (Put the strainer bag into a primary fermentor as well.) Add all the remaining ingredients to the primary fermentor at this time, with the exception of the yeast. Stir the mixture, cover, and let it sit for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the cover and add the yeast to the primary fermentor. After three to five days, pour the juice into the secondary fermentor. Squeeze the juice in the strainer bag into the secondary fermentor, and then discard the bag.

After this point, it is safe to continue with the normal fermentation process. Remember that this process takes time and that it is important to have patience. The longer you allow the wine to ferment, the better it will taste. Also remember that your easy-to-make watermelon wine will taste better if you let it age several months after it is bottled.

Fruity Fun

Easy to make watermelon wine is also poplar because the ingredients are easy to acquire. It is a great selection both for someone who is just starting to make their own wine, and for someone who has been doing it for years. Whatever the circumstances, this easy watermelon wine will make a great addition to your evening meal.


  1. Sounds good, but why would you skip the campden tablet? I heard watermelon spoils very easily.

  2. Thanks for your post.

    Just one of those things. With the varying reports on the adverse effects of adding sulphites I figure natural is better. As far as the spoiling goes, that is the nature of wine making.... rotting fruit - The alcohol acts as a preservative once fermented.
    To keep the wine from spoiling after bottling, I have been pasteurizing the wine after fermentation. So far it has worked quite well. Of course time will tell after a couple of years in the bottle.
    I've heard of people using intert gases such as Argon to displace the Oxygen, but I haven't gotten that far.

  3. I made watermelon wine 2 years in a row. Once with the other without campden tablet. Both times I got odd floating red stuff and clear wine. Both times smelled like unwashed feet. Will not try again unless new info is found.All other fruit wines OK even when made in same eqpt. If you have a suggestion email me at ekevinphil@gmail.com .

    1. The trick with watermelon juice is that it spoils very quickly, often before the yeast can produce enough alcohol. Chill your melons first and place your primary in a larger bucket of ice water while you are preparing in the first 24 hours. No more spoiled batches of heaven : )


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